Looking to move home? Why not consider a home swap?
We keep a list of Barnsbury Housing Association tenants wanting to swap home with another of our tenants, and those interested in swapping home (mutual exchange) with a tenant of another registered social landlord (council or housing association).
Please remember you are not just swapping home but will also be swapping tenancy, and the other tenant’s tenancy may be different to the one you have now.
You and the other tenant will also be taking the property ‘as seen’. Neither landlord will carry out the usual pre-letting checks and improvements.
Get in touch with housing and communities manager Asif Mahmood if you are interested in a swap.
You can also try homeswapper.co.uk, which keeps details of tenants across the UK looking to swap home with another tenant.
Terms and conditions in brief
- You will need our permission, in writing, before you enter any arrangement.
- We will want to check your home is suitable for the other tenant, so not too large or too small for example.
- Your rent account must be up-to-date.
- Your home must not be damaged or needing repairs, including any that are your responsibility.
- We and the other landlord will also want to check your tenancy record and that of the other tenant for evidence of antisocial behaviour or other tenancy breaches. [Bold up]
We strongly recommend you read item 10 in our policy on mutual exchange.
Homes now on offer for a swap locally
Last updated: August 2024
Lofting Road movers
Wanted: one bedroom, ground floor flat. Move wanted for health reasons by tenant in one bed, first floor flat with own balcony.
Wanted: two bedroom home. Tenant with one bedroom, first floor flat would like to move to a two bedroom home.
Morland Mews movers
Wanted: two bedroom home. Move wanted by tenant in one bedroom, first floor flat with own balcony.
Wanted: one bedroom ground floor flat. Move wanted for health reasons by tenant with one bedroom, first floor flat.

Gissing Walk movers
Wanted: larger, three bedroom home. Move wanted by tenant in three bedroom maisonette with two double bedrooms and one single bedroom.
Wanted: three bedroom home for growing family. Move wanted by tenant in two bedroom house with two double bedrooms and front door opening onto walkway.
Wanted: one bedroom home. Move wanted by tenant of spacious studio flat with separate kitchen and bathroom, with front door opening onto walkway.
Barnsbury Street movers
Wanted: one bedroom flat with courtyard garden. Move wanted by tenant now in a three bedroom house with two double and one single bedroom and shared use of courtyard.
Wanted: two bedroom property, ideally on ground floor. Move wanted by tenant of very spacious five bedroom home on third floor of block with a shared main entrance at No 60-62.
Claringbull Court movers
Wanted: one bedroom ground floor home. Move wanted by tenant of two bedroom home, adapted and with stairlift. Spacious bedrooms and living area.

If you are interested in a home swap with any of the above, please contact housing and communities manager Asif Mahmood.
Downsizing: moving to a smaller home
If you are one of our tenants and thinking of moving to a smaller home we can offer help with your move and have a generous package of incentives. Contact housing and communities manager Asif Mahmood to find out more.