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Dickie Bull Retires and Honored by Mayor

In late March senior caretaker Dickie Bull will get a warm send off into retirement after more than four decades of dedicated service for Barnsbury Housing Association tenants since he joined us in 1977

Dickie will be a familiar face to most of you. He and Jean, our former Finance Manager, became BHA residents when Morland Mews was just two years old and he has long been active on the estate as a volunteer, going well beyond his daily work responsibilities.

For the past 20 years Dickie has led our caretaking team, whose service got a massive 97% approval rating in the last survey of all your views.

And, of course, each year Dickie has famously given his golden tonsils a workout at the summer fun day (and given Tom Jones a run for his money).

‘We hope Dickie isn’t planning to hang up his microphone yet,’ said chief executive Susan French. ‘We’ll miss his phenomenal memory of all things Morland Mews so we’re glad he and Jean aren’t moving off the estate.’

BHA would like to thank Richard for his outstanding service and wish both him and Jean a happy and healthy retirement together.

Dickie and Jean get a ‘civic duty’ award from mayor Cllr Ismael (left), watched by reporter Lucas Cumiskey from award sponsor the Islington Gazette

Richard and Jean Honored at the Town Hall

It was a double-celebration for the Bull family as Richard, our senior caretaker, and his wife Jean, BHA’s former Finance Manager for 38 years, received a Civic Award from the Mayor of Islington for their outstanding service to the borough and to Barnsbury Housing Association for four decades.

Mayors Civic Awards 2020 – Islington Gazette