New Resident Board Members for BHA
As a small housing provider, Barnsbury Housing Association prides itself on having our residents involved in shaping our service. Residents have always had positions on the BHA board, and as a community-based housing association this is often one of our strengths.
Over the summer Barnsbury Housing Association sought to recruit up to two residents as new board members.
BHA invited applications from all of our residents and carried out a rigorous recruitment process in which residents were invited to interview for the role. Following this process BHA are delighted to say that two new resident board members have been appointed, Janice Walsh and Chris Bell.
Janice is a long-term tenant of BHA’s. Having been with us since almost the very beginning she understands BHA’s proud history and purpose. She also is involved in the local community and volunteers for various organisations.
Chris has a great knowledge of housing and has been a resident of BHA for a few years now. He brings great enthusiasm and resident insight to our board.
Although it BHA were originally recruiting up to two residents, we are delighted to add another resident, Fenan Emmanuel, to our Audit & Risk Committee. Fenan’s insight and enthusiasm impressed our panel greatly that BHA knew he would be a great asset to the team.
The board and staff look forward to welcoming our new resident board and committee members and working with them to keep improving our service to BHA residents.