Resident information Find out important information about your tenancy with Barnsbury Housing Association Latest News Find out about Barnsbury Housing Association's latest news and events. Read more Our tenant satisfaction measures Paying your rentHow to pay your rent and getting support to pay your rent Report a repairHow to report a repair to BHA Our service standards ComplaintsYour feedback shapes our service. Learn about our Complaints Policy and how we value your input. Keeping a petHow to apply to keep a pet in your property Estate walkaboutCome along to an estate walkabout to make the area you live in safer and better maintained. Debt, welfare and repairs adviceHow to get help and support with your rent Policies and procedures Reporting antisocial behaviourHow to report antisocial behaviour to us Support for residentsFind out more about exclusive opportunities for BHA residents Safety and emergenciesHow to stay safe in your property and what to do in an emergency Home contents insuranceAs your landlord, BHA insure the structure of your home but you may require separate contents insurance to give you peace of mind.