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Annual report

We produce an annual report each year which is distributed to our residents. This report sets out our achievements for the year and how we are performing against our key targets:

Environmental, social and governance report

This report gives you data and supporting commentary on our social, environmental and governance standards. These conform with the sustainable reporting standard agreed for social housing landlords in 2020.

Annual report and financial statements

Each year Barnsbury Housing Association publishes its annual report and financial statements to indicate how BHA is performing as an organisation.

BHA corporate plan 2023-2026

Our plan for the next three years focuses on overcoming a challenging set of circumstances: for our finances (with a looming recession, high inflation and a rent cap), and for our residents, who face an unprecedented cost of living crisis and energy bills.”

Board summary minutes

As agreed with the tenants’ association, we publish a summary of our board meetings, so residents can see how the board is making key decisions.



Barnsbury News has been published since 2020. It succeeded News of the Mews, first produced and published by our tenants in 1975.

Barnsbury News carries news and information for our tenants about our work and services.

It is published regularly and distributed to all residents of Barnsbury Housing Association.

In between publications of the printed newsletter we use eNewsletters to alert our tenants to breaking news and information.

Not all our tenants are comfortable with electronic communication so a hard copy of our enewsletter is also posted in the window of our office on our Morland Mews estate and on the noticeboard of our sheltered scheme at Highbury View.

Information leaflets for our tenants

We have in the past year produced new booklets for our tenants explaining our new service standards, their repair responsibilities and ours, how to keep their homes safe and how they too can help, and an easy read introduction to our complaints policy. Work on a new tenants handbook is in progress.

Download BHA service standards

Download Taking good care of your BHA home

Download Keeping your home and the neighbourhood safe

Download our easy read complaints leaflet

Download our reporting antisocial behaviour leaflet