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Repair timescales

When you report a repair to us, we’ll offer you an appointment within an appropriate time slot. The timescale for carrying out your repair will depend on the type of repair you need:

  • emergency – within 24 hours
  • urgent – within 5 working days
  • routine – within 20 working days
  • planned – within 12 months (with an initial visit within 28 days)

Appointments are offered in either morning (where the contractor will arrive between 8.30am & 12pm) or afternoon (where the contractor will arrive between 1pm & 5pm) timeslots.

If you are elderly, disabled or vulnerable we’ll take your circumstances into account when we prioritise your repair.

Emergency repairs

These are the most urgent repairs and we’ll attend within 24 hours. We’ll ‘make safe’ the situation, but may need to arrange a further appointment to complete the works. Emergency repairs include:

  • total loss of water supply (when this is not as a result of works being undertaken by Thames Water)
  • total loss of electricity and where electrics are damaged by water leaks (where it is not a problem with the supplier)
  • major plumbing leaks or taps which cannot be turned off and are causing damage
  • dangerous structures such as collapsed ceilings
  • if you cannot use your toilet and it is the only toilet in your home (where the toilet is not blocked)
  • total loss of heating and hot water where household members are disabled, elderly or vulnerable (October – May)
  • boarding up after a break-in/attempted break-in
  • persons locked out due to defective locks or broken keys (but not where keys have been lost).

Can you smell gas or do you think there’s a gas leak? The first thing to do is to make sure that you stay safe, so please:

  • don’t smoke.
  • don’t light matches or cigarette lighters.
  • don’t turn light switches or anything electrical on or off.
  • put out any naked flames such as candles.
  • open all the doors and windows.
  • turn off your gas supply at the meter (and leave it switched off until you’re sure it’s safe to turn it back on again).

Call the National Gas Service Emergency Line on 0800 111 999

Urgent repairs

We’ll visit within 5 working days to complete repairs needed to prevent further damage or which would seriously affect your comfort or health and safety if left. Examples of urgent repairs include:

  • loss of heating or hot water supply for households not detailed in the emergency repairs section
  • partial loss of electricity (as long as this is not a result of works being undertaken by your electricity supplier)
  • partial loss of water or gas supply
  • structural repairs to roofs
  • door entry phone
  • plumbing repairs such as toilet not flushing, taps which cannot be turned on or off
    rotten floorboards or stairs, if these pose a health and safety risk.

Routine repairs

These are non-urgent repairs and we’ll aim to complete these within 20 working days.

Examples include:

  • gutters
  • repairs to doors, window frames, banisters and handrails
  • repairs to plaster on walls and ceilings and floors
  • repairs to fences and gates that are BHA’s responsibility
  • minor electrical work and works to extractor fans.

Planned repairs

We’ll aim to complete more complicated repairs that may need specialist contractors within a timescale of 6 months, but with an initial visit within 28 days. Examples include:

  • roof replacement
  • rising damp